Speaking of New - it's the end of 2008 and the New Year is here! I LIKE NEW! I think everyone likes new! New car, new ipod, new cell phone, new clothes, new relationship, new Mac Book, new baby, new TV series, new, well, you get the idea, most everyone likes new things. We get tired, easily, with what we have and the desire for new begins to take over. We have to get our hands on what's new. That is one of the reasons why so many of us look forward to a New Year. It's something fresh, different, and exciting. Maybe your 2008 was not so great, so 2009 gives you a new hope, a new start, and chance to make life better. My prayer, for all of us, is that our goals for the New Year would be to be better men, woman, husbands, wives, children, students and ultimately better people than we've been in the past. To strive to be better in our relationship with God, with our families and with the people we are connected with on a regular basis. If we make that our New Years resolution, our life WILL be better in the new year. For me, I am making it a priority to be more commited to God, more commited to my family and church, and more commited to the city of Madison. I like new! And I am eagerly anticipating the newness that 2009 will bring.
Have a great New Year as you experience God, relationships and ideas in a whole new way! Be encouraged, it's a New Year!
So, I have decided to do something new - start a blog. Of course if you know me at all I am into new stuff: Cell phones, technology, computers, cars, hunting or fishing stuff, programs that send all my messages to my cell phone, and the list could go on forever. What you may not know about me is that I don't tend to think too far in advance or about all the details involved. That's why I surround myself with people you are detailed and think about those things. Unfortunately, I wont have that privilege with blogging so I am going to have to be diligent and disciplined in keeping it updated and fresh. We'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to it though and if you find me slacking - give me a nudge (not too hard though - I hate pain).