There are so many things that I enjoy about ministry: baby dedications, weddings, water baptisms, people responding to the message, new believers, counseling, praying and believing with someone for a miracle, children and youth praising God, seeing community after a service, engaging people in conversation at my favorite coffee place and the number 1... praying with someone to receive Jesus for the first time. There is nothing better than being in a position to talk about Jesus and His love for all. I hunger for those opportunities.

There are also some things that bother me about ministry as well, and though the list isn't long I find that I dwell on them more than I probably should. Some of them are... pretenders, apathetic Christians, gossipers, antagonists, and people who use Jesus as an add on.

Jesus is so much more than just another accessory that we add to our lives! He is more than just another application we install. He is the King of creation, the One who Was and Is and Is to come! He's our Savior, Deliverer, and Friend who will never abandon us. He needs and wants to be the main operating system of our lives!

Far too often I see people use God like an application.

I need help on this test I didn't study for... click Jesus app.

My life is falling apart... click prayer app.

My friend is in the hospital in critical condition... click call the pastor app.

It's not that any of those things are wrong, but, too often these people don't acknowledge Jesus at any other time in their lives - not even when God in His Grace answers them and does the miraculous.

God desires to be included and involved in every aspect of our lives! The good, ordinary, and exciting parts of our week as well as the tough and painful parts. He gave us His Son so that we could be in constant relationship with Him. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as a guide, a counselor, encourager, and comforter. He isn't an application we install and click when we need Him! He becomes the Operating System we install to help us fulfill the purpose and plan He's created us for. (Ps. 139)

Take a moment right now and ask the Spirit of the Living God to be a part of every aspect of your life and not just an application you use when you need help.


I now have GPS on my cell phone and I have to tell you that I love that feature. I like it so much that I have actually used it when I knew how to get to where I was going. I have entered the realm of the GPS users and this has saved me time, money and frustration.

There is no more looking on google maps or asking for directions - which goes against the grain for most guys. I simply type the address in my phone and hit submit and the directions are at my finger tips. What I truly love about this feature is that when I get off tract or take a wrong turn I don't get yelled at or called names, I just get this soft voice telling me that she is "recalculating", "looking for an alternate route" or "turn around" and get back on the right road. I find myself smiling as I hear the voice on my phone say, "recalculating". I know everything is okay because she will get me where I need to be.

When we choose to follow Jesus, accepting the fact that we are lost without Him and He is the director of our lives, we are given an internal GPS. This is exciting news because no matter where you are at, or what you are doing or how lost you may feel, our internal GPS will guide us and lead us to our destination. God's Positioning System (the Holy Spirit) has been installed in us and His purpose is to get us to our final destination.

Here is what Jesus said,
"But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate (comforter, encourager, counselor) won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you" John 16:7

Like our car or phone GPS, the Holy Spirit daily directs and guides us and when we get off track He gently reminds us that we have gotten off course and that if we'll follow His directions He will get us back on the right path. No matter how many times we stray, take the wrong exit, try a short cut, or simply try to do it by ourselves, He is always available to re-direct us if we'll simple ask. And... there is never any yelling or name calling when we mess up. The Spirit of God is in us to help guide us in this life to accomplish our purpose, fulfill our destiny and get us to our final destination - eternal life with God, Himself.

Respond today to your internal GPS and allow Him to guide you. If you've gotten off track, ask for His forgiveness and follow His recalculated plans for your future.

So I went back and read some of my postings from last year and I have definitely slacked. I guess I will need to keep these simple, short, insightful and update more frequently. My prayer for you is that 2010 be filled with the wonder and awe of God and that you know and show His love everywhere you go. If you are still breathing God has something planned for your life this year! Be a light everywhere you go and change the temperature of every room you enter because the Holy Spirit has come upon you!

Have a blessed New Year!