I don't know how you feel about religion, but I hate it! It sucks the life and love out of a person. Religion does the very opposite of what Jesus was all about and taught us by His example here on earth; to Love Out Loud (LOL). Religion causes people to caught up in a tangled web of rules, laws, words and indifference.

I was reading this morning in Luke 13 and verse 14 just hit me. It says, "Indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, the synagogue ruler said to the people, "there are six days for work. so come and be healed on those days, not on the Sabbath"."
I sat in my chair and thought, "Are you kidding me! This woman was crippled for 18 years and Jesus, in an instant, felt compassion on her and healed her, but the religious people got angry because He did it on the wrong day!" I'm thinking, why didn't these religious leaders care enough to heal her on one of the other six days? Instead of loving, caring and being excited for this woman's miracle they are furious.
Religion is dangerous! It sucks and it's wrong. We are called by God to love one another, treat each other the way we want to be treated and care for those who need help. Be very careful not to get caught up in "religion" but develop your relationship with the One who loves ALL of us and showed us how to Love Out Loud.


Vernon the III said...

ha ha i love it.

These are points from "Death by Love" by Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears

1). Religion says that God will not love me until I obey his rules enough to earn his love.

2). Religion says that the world is filled with good people and bad people (versus sinners who are either repentant and trust in Jesus' death for their life, or sinners who are unrepentant and remain spiritually dead and separated from God under his wrath.).

3). Religion is about what you do.

4). Religion is about getting from God.

5). Religion sees hardship as unloving punishment rather than sanctifying discipline.

6). Religion is about you.

7). Because, as jesus said, religion focuses almost entirely on the external, visible life of a person and overlooks the internal, invisible life of the heart where motives lie, how one appears on the outside before people is far more important to the religious person than how one appears on the inside before God.

8). Because religion is about what we do, the end result is that we lack assurance regarding our standing before God.

9). Religion simply does not work, because it results in either pride or despair depending on if we think we have done well or poorly in earning our salvation through moral conduct and religious devotion.

10). The desire underlying your pursuit of religion is in fact a noble one. You simply want to have righteousness. But you have sinfully sought it by the power of your own self-righteousness and not the cross of Jesus, which enables gift-righteousness.

He has much to say underneath each one of these but thought you might like them :)

Derrick Wright said...

Thanks Vernon - that is awesome stuff!