I now have GPS on my cell phone and I have to tell you that I love that feature. I like it so much that I have actually used it when I knew how to get to where I was going. I have entered the realm of the GPS users and this has saved me time, money and frustration.
There is no more looking on google maps or asking for directions - which goes against the grain for most guys. I simply type the address in my phone and hit submit and the directions are at my finger tips. What I truly love about this feature is that when I get off tract or take a wrong turn I don't get yelled at or called names, I just get this soft voice telling me that she is "recalculating", "looking for an alternate route" or "turn around" and get back on the right road. I find myself smiling as I hear the voice on my phone say, "recalculating". I know everything is okay because she will get me where I need to be.
When we choose to follow Jesus, accepting the fact that we are lost without Him and He is the director of our lives, we are given an internal GPS. This is exciting news because no matter where you are at, or what you are doing or how lost you may feel, our internal GPS will guide us and lead us to our destination. God's Positioning System (the Holy Spirit) has been installed in us and His purpose is to get us to our final destination.
Here is what Jesus said,
"But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate (comforter, encourager, counselor) won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you" John 16:7
Like our car or phone GPS, the Holy Spirit daily directs and guides us and when we get off track He gently reminds us that we have gotten off course and that if we'll follow His directions He will get us back on the right path. No matter how many times we stray, take the wrong exit, try a short cut, or simply try to do it by ourselves, He is always available to re-direct us if we'll simple ask. And... there is never any yelling or name calling when we mess up. The Spirit of God is in us to help guide us in this life to accomplish our purpose, fulfill our destiny and get us to our final destination - eternal life with God, Himself.
Respond today to your internal GPS and allow Him to guide you. If you've gotten off track, ask for His forgiveness and follow His recalculated plans for your future.
Good stuff, Derrick. Thanks for reminding us about the awesome, internal Guide that we have - the Holy Spirit!
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